What does Axiom prove?
To prove a piece of Ethereum on-chain data, Axiom first generates a Ethereum light client proof for it. For example, suppose we wish to prove the value at storage slot slot
for address address
at block blockNumber
. This light client proof can be fetched from an Ethereum archive node using the eth_getProof
JSON-RPC call and consists of:
The block header at block
and in particular thestateRoot
.An account proof of Merkle-Patricia inclusion for the key-value pair
(keccak(address), rlp([nonce, balance, storageRoot, codeHash]))
of the RLP-encoded account data in the state trie rooted atstateRoot
.A storage proof of Merkle-Patricia inclusion for the key-value pair
(keccak(slot), rlp(slotValue))
of the storage slot data in the storage trie rooted atstorageRoot
Verifying this light client proof requires the trusted block hash blockHash
for block blockNumber
and requires checking:
The block header is properly formatted, has Keccak hash
, and containsstateRoot
.The state trie proof is properly formatted, has key
, Keccak hashes of each node along the Merkle-Patricia inclusion proof match the appropriate field in the previous node, and has value containingstorageRoot
.A similar validity check for the Merkle-Patricia inclusion proof for the storage trie.
Axiom does each of these checks in the EthBlockStorageCircuit
circuit, which proves validity of the statement
Assuming the block hash at
, the value ofslot
This is the ZK proof we verify on-chain in the AxiomV0StoragePf
smart contract.
Question: How do you get a trusted block hash? Read on...
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