Axiom Query Format

Detailed specification of the on-chain Axiom V2 Query format.

Axiom V2 queries allow users to compute over historic data on Ethereum. These queries consist of the following three pieces:

  • Data query: ZK authenticated access to historic block headers, accounts, storage slots, transactions, receipts, and Solidity mapping values from the history of Ethereum.

  • Compute query: ZK-proven computation over the data authenticated in the data query.

  • Callback: An on-chain callback to invoke with the result of the compute query.

All three of the data, compute, and callback are optional, but a valid query must have at least one of the data or compute queries.

Query format specification

The query is specified by the following fields, of which we will detail the data, compute, and callback details below.

  • version (uint8) -- the version, fixed to be uint8(2) for Axiom V2.

  • sourceChainId (uint64) -- the source chainId

  • caller (address) -- the address of the caller

  • dataQueryHash (bytes32) -- the encoded data query

  • computeQuery (AxiomV2ComputeQuery) -- the compute query

  • callback (AxiomV2Callback) -- the callback

  • userSalt (bytes32) -- salt chosen by the user

  • maxFeePerGas (uint64) -- max fee to use on the fulfillment transaction

  • callbackGasLimit (uint32) -- gas limit to allocate for the callback

  • refundee (address) -- address taking refunds

We create a unique identifier for the query via:

queryId = uint256(keccak(caller . userSalt . queryHash . callbackHash . refundee))


  • queryHash = keccak(version . sourceChainId . dataQueryHash . encodedComputeQuery)

  • encodedComputeQuery (see Compute Query Format)

  • callbackHash = keccak(target . extraData)

The difference between queryId and queryHash is that the queryId has identifiers related to the user, such as the callback and refundee addresses, whereas the queryHash is an identifier for just the data and compute query.

We also define the query schema via:

querySchema = keccak(k . resultLen . vkeyLen . vkey)

The querySchema provides a unique identifier for a callback function to distinguish the type of compute query used to generate the query results passed to the callback.T

The difference between queryHash and querySchema is that querySchema specifies a general schema for a query, with unknown variables which may change from instance to instance. queryHash specifies a specific instance of the query schema, where all unknown variables have numerical values.

Note that querySchema is only meaningful when a compute query is supplied: it is bytes32(0x0) if there is no compute query.

Query result specification

We anticipate a ZK proof for each query with public input/outputs consisting of:

  • sourceChainId (uint64) -- the source chainId

  • dataResultsRoot (bytes32) -- the Keccak encoded data output

  • dataResultsPoseidonRoot (bytes32) -- the Poseidon form of the data output

  • computeResultsHash (bytes32) -- the Keccak hash of computeResults, specified as:

    • computeResults (bytes32[]) -- the result of applying the compute circuit with the inputs from dataResultsRoot as public inputs

    • if no compute is needed, this is the first resultLen data results.

  • queryHash (bytes32) -- the queryHash identifying the query.

  • querySchema (bytes32) -- the querySchema identifying the query type. This is bytes32(0x0) is there is no compute query.

  • blockhashMMRKeccak (bytes32) -- witness data for reconciling the proof against AxiomV2Core

  • aggregateVkeyHash (bytes32) -- a hash identifying the aggregation strategy used to generate a ZK proof of the query result.

  • payee (address) -- a free public input which is associated to a private witness in the proof to avoid malleability issues

We define a commitment to the query result via resultHash defined by

resultHash = keccak(sourceChainId . dataResultsRoot . dataResultsPoseidonRoot . computeResultsHash)

Data query format

Each data query consists of the fields:

  • sourceChainId (uint64) -- the chainId of the source chain

  • subqueries (Subquery[])

Each subquery has a result given by a single uint256 or bytes32 and is specified by

  • type (uint16) -- a number identifying the subquery type

  • subqueryData -- data specifying the subquery which follows a different subquery schema for each type.

    • This should be of a max size over all subquery types.

We encode the query by:

  • dataQueryHash (bytes32): The Keccak hash of sourceChainId concatenated with the array with entries given by:

    • keccak(type . subqueryData)

Each subquery has a result which is of type uint256 or bytes32, with smaller datatypes left-padded with 0's. If a user wishes to access multiple fields from e.g. a single account or receipt, they must make multiple subqueries. We hope this does not impose too much overhead, since we will only constrain the Keccak hashes once in the Keccak table.

We encode the query results by:

  • dataResultsRoot: The Keccak Merkle root of the padded tree (padding by bytes32(0)) with even index leaves given by keccak(type . subqueryData) and odd index leaves given by result.

    • This is the same as the Keccak Merkle root of the padded tree with leaves given by keccak(keccak(type . subqueryData) . result) where padding is by keccak(bytes32(0) . bytes32(0))

  • dataResultsPoseidonRoot: The Poseidon Merkle root of the padded tree with leaves given by poseidon(poseidon(type . subqueryData) . result) with padding by 0

    • subqueryData is a variable length array of field elements (determined by subquery type and in the SolidityNestedMapping case the mappingDepth). Therefore poseidon(type . subqueryData) is a variable length Poseidon. We do this so the result root is independent of future subquery type additions.

    • result is a fixed length array of field elements, and poseidon(poseidon(type .subqueryData) . result) refers to Poseidon on the fixed length concatenated array.

We have 6 subquery types, corresponding to:

  • block_header: fields from block header

  • account: fields from accounts, e.g. nonce, balance, codeHash, storageRoot

  • storage: slots in account local storage

  • transaction: fields from transactions, including indexing into calldata.

  • receipt: fields from receipts, including indexing into topics and data of logs.

  • solidity_nested_mapping: values from nested mappings of value types

Compute query format

The compute query is specified by AxiomV2ComputeQuery, which contains:

  • k (uint8) -- degree of the compute circuit, equal to 0 if no compute is needed

  • resultLen (uint16) --- number of meaningful public outputs of the circuit

  • vkey (bytes32[]) -- verification key for the compute circuit

  • computeProof (bytes32[]) -- user generated proof

We encode the compute query in bytes as

encodedComputeQuery = k . resultLen . vkeyLen . vkey . proofLen . computeProof

when the compute query exists, where

  • uint8 vkeyLen is the length of vkey as bytes32[]

  • proofLen is the length of computeProof as bytes.

If there is no compute query, then the encodedComputeQuery = 0 . resultLen.

Callback format

The callback is specified by AxiomV2Callback, which contains:

  • target (address) -- equal to address(0x0) if no callback needed

  • extraData (bytes) -- additional data sent to the callback. Equal to bytes(0x0) if no callback is needed.

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