Storage Subqueries provide information about a contract's storage slot at some past block number. A very useful tool for looking up storage slots for contract addresses is
Maximum of 32 (Account + Storage + Nested Mapping) subqueries per Query.
const mappedSlot = getSlotForMapping(
2, // slot of the mapping
"address", // data type of the mapping key
"0x4C5252bE8474664e14c9C122C295AB4e06D37cF0" // mapping key
const storageSubquery: StorageSubquery = buildStorageSubquery(9000000)
const arraySlot = getSlotForArray(
5, // slot of the array
"uint128", // data type of the array
10 // index of the data in the array
const storageSubquery: StorageSubquery = buildStorageSubquery(9000000)